⭐Better gameover & quality of life

In this first update, I address a few issues that have been raised by players : 

- Added an early game end with bonus points based on remaining time if you reach it. The very best players are too fast, they could resolve all the available plays and they were stuck waiting for the timer to drop to 0. 

- Quick access to the ⭐attack mode

- Moved the faq button from top right to top left. it was covering the end game badges on narrow screens

- Changed the pause button icon. I liked the 🤚 as a pause icon, but nobody understood it.

- Replaced ❌by × as it makes it more readable

- More score badge, the high score on medium is now at 1720🐲

⚠ If you notice that the game loose frame during game-play, please  tell me! I'm not sure the way I compute some things aren't too heavy

What is next ?

- High-score saving

- Daily mode by default

- A cheat sheet of all the combinations

- Menus that remember the settings of the previous game


factor72_1.02.03.zip 30 kB
78 days ago

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