Better Daily Challenge & New presentation

What’s new ?

  • The daily challenge is now a separate play mode with custom settings. The hope is to make it more memorable and interesting
  • A huge part of this weeks work has been a new design for the in game UI. the timer and score are now on a same row, thus taking less vertical space. I’m not sure it was worth the effort, but at least the end game animation is a bit more smooth now.
  • I’ve displayed the Cheat sheet and the tips a bit more. image.png

What’s next ?

  • I’d like to rework the itch page a bit to make it less cold
  • On the same note, I may redo some promo illustrations

How is it going ?

The number of daily players is slowly decreasing toward the 30 visits a day. image.png Maybe I should talk more about the game to my entourage? I really would like to have more comments and ratings on itch. I’ve added the game to several databases such as indieDB and IGDB. The main work is now done. I’d like to stop working on the technical side of the game. I feel I have done a lot. I’m questioning the idea of uploading the game to pokie games where there’s more audience and/but also ads. this would bring more players, and maybe a bit of cash, but this is extra work and it feels like selling out.

Have a nice day


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I’ve uploaded several build since that yesterday post, trying to improve the performance (it’s still laggy but it feel playable).

I’m also hunting for a bug where the game suddenly freeze mid game and is unplayable (the pause button disappear). I’ve got one player reporting it to me on chrome but with very few info and no repro I don’t know how wide spread the issue is

I can't find the daily challenge, is it available on ?

it should appear if you’ve completed one game before

however, todays daily seems to be bugged and it doesn’t launch. I’ll search for a fix at noon

Should be fixed

I noticed that their is some performance issues in the game now on less powerful devices :’)

oh indeed, I must have played on another computer last time...